Reiki - a relaxing and peaceful treatment

"Helping to restore a sense of balance and wellbeing within the body and mind, promoting deep relaxation, helping to reduce stress and anxiety."


Reiki is a healing technique based on the core principle of the existence of universal energy it can promote deep relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety.

Reiki, meaning ‘universal life energy’, was founded in Japan in the late 20th century and works on the principle of a universal energy that flows through each one of us, with the belief that a balanced flow of energy provides a sense of wellbeing.

It’s a deeply relaxing and peaceful treatment, helping to restore a sense of balance and wellbeing in mind and the body, promoting deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety.

A pair of cupped hands.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is my ‘go to’ treatment and I find it recharges my batteries and leaves me feeling relaxed, restored, and ready to face the world again. However, many of my clients use it for a variety of reasons, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual support.

Session Length

30- or 60-minute appointments.

Reiki can also be combined with other therapies to create a 90-minute appointment (see below 'Works well with...')

What happens during a treatment?

After your consultation, during which we’ll talk about the support you’re hoping Reiki will provide, I’ll make you comfortable on a therapy couch and the treatment will begin.

Tuning into the universal energy my aim is to direct it to you through visualisations and by gently placing my hands on or just above your body, using intuition to guide the energy flow. Ultimately however, as Reiki always works for your greater good, the energy will go where it’s needed.

You’ll remain fully clothed throughout the treatment and for whatever reason you’ve come for support, my hope is you’ll leave feeling relaxed, restored, and rebalanced.

At the end of each session, we’ll discuss any additional support you might require, including after care guidance to help you make the most of your treatment.

Price & Booking

  • £60 for a 60-minute appointment
  • £35 for a 30-minute appointment

The price of a 90- minute session will depend on what therapy you want to combine Reiki with (see below).

How many sessions will I need?

It really depends on what you want to use Reiki for!

If it's for a treat, or a little energy boost, then come as often as you want to. If you're seeking support for a specific issue then it may be a few back to back weekly sessions followed by some monthly maintenance sessions are what you need, or you may be content with once every 4-6 weeks.

We will discuss all of this at your first treatment and create a treatment plan that works for you.

Works well with...

Reiki can also be combined to create a 60- or 90-minute appointment with any of the following:

©2021 Sarah Woodhouse

Hurry Up Harry Ltd. Trading as Sarah Woodhouse Therapy. Registered in England.  Company No: 08796136.  Registered Office: Eldo House, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR

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