Sarah Woodhouse Therapy


Reflexology, Bowen Therapy, Thai Stretch Massage, Lymphatics, Vagus Nerve, Ear Seeding, and Holistic Facials

Real Women, just like you…

Curious about a more natural approach to your health and wellbeing but not sure where to start? Read the experiences of my clients here.

"I have seen more results in the past year of seeing Sarah than all the previous years combined."


Writer, 51 - Bowen, Reflexology & Reiki

What did you need help with? Initially, I needed help with muscle tension and a stubborn muscle knot. Although not causing any particular discomfort, I knew my physical tensions were linked to deeper emotional issues and the changes I was going through post menopause. I wanted to find something to bring greater balance in my life and Bowen therapy had been in my radar for some time.

Why did you choose Sarah? I saw a taster session on offer at the Primadonna festival and it felt like a sign. I gelled with Sarah immediately. The 30 minute introductory

appointment was brilliant and Sarah is a gifted therapist. I’ve been to see many practitioners over the years for reiki, cranial osteopathy, reflexology etc, and I can honestly say she is the best of the best. Practical, knowledgeable, and wise - I have seen more results in the past year of seeing Sarah than all the previous years combined. I started with Bowen treatments and have also had reiki and reflexology. All amazing and have supported powerful shifts in my well-being.

Did your treatment meet your expectations? I wasn’t sure what to expect with Bowen but the results have blown me away! I knew it was what my body needed. I think we all have to find the treatment that works best for our individual makeup and Bowen for me is the business! Reiki and reflexology are also brilliant companions but Bowen has produced the biggest shifts. Like peeling back the layers of an onion it has helped to clear old injuries and body patterns that have made my body feel balanced and energised.

How is a more holistic approach helping you? Prevention is the key and I now have regular monthly appointments for general maintenance, even if I’m feeling fine. It’s like a present to myself and since making the decision to support my well being properly, my life has changed for the better in all ways. I can’t recommend regular treatments enough!

What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?  Women are juggling so many plates even before menopause strikes. Thankfully, the conversation about the impact of hormone changes is starting to happen more openly, but so many women suffer in silence. Holistic therapies have helped me to navigate the sometimes terrifying journey of mid-life body changes. I now feel balanced, empowered, and ready for my exciting new chapter!

" was exactly what my body and mind needed and I am no longer broken!"


Family Support Coordinator, 36 - Bowen, Reflexology, Holistic Facial, Reiki

What did you need help with? My back was in bits, after having physio and sports massage for years I needed to give myself a break… I contacted Sarah and I’ve never looked back. 


Why did you choose Sarah? I knew Sarah already as she’d been a Reflexologist for our mother and toddler group. I just knew she was the only person I could trust to help me find an alternative therapy for my broken body! I didn’t know what I wanted or needed so trusted her to guide me. She made good choices for me and we started with Bowen because I needed some healing. 

She has given me, and continues to give me, so much confidence and positivity which I was lacking. The mental support she has provided has helped more than she will ever know! I wouldn’t be the person I am without her and I will be forever grateful for her changing my life and helping me understand my pain. She’s amazing ❤️.

Did your treatment meet your expectations? Well I was actually very sceptical, probably not what you want to hear… but I trusted Sarah so I gave it a go because I was at my last straw! I didn’t think the softly softly gently gently approach would work on my ever so broken body and mind because I thought I was beyond help! After my first session at the end of 2021 (the worst year of my life) I had the best sleep I had EVER had! Fast forward two years and I’ve never looked back, it was exactly what my body and mind needed and I am no longer broken! Every month I feel a little more whole.


How is a more holistic approach helping you? My treatment made me feel valid… that may sound silly but I think I had been searching for someone to nod and say I understand! I had never felt so relaxed, relieved and rejuvenated in my whole life! It was life changing 🥰 I have been coming back for two years now and it is because of Sarah… I love my actual treatments and they help so much but I could go anywhere for Bowen, but I never would trust anyone more than Sarah. She is so wonderful patient and calming! I love her and her magic hands 🙌🏼. The holistic approach is definitely the best approach for me.

What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?   If you are wanting to help yourself feel good inside and out then this is the therapy you need! I didn’t believe it at first but here I am! Treat yourself, you won’t regret it, you deserve it ☺️.

"I genuinely feel amazing after my treatment, and what she works on stays with me!"


Housewife, 55-65 - Reiki

What did you need help with?  I have some personal issues that need/ed addressing and wanted to seek alternative treatment. My sister recommended Reiki to me because she feels it benefits her greatly.


Why did you choose Sarah? I looked online for therapists in my area and Sarah’s name came up. I looked on her website and she looked so friendly, I decided to go with her.


Did your treatment meet your expectations? I’d had Reiki years ago and really benefited from it, so I knew what to expect. However, Sarah totally exceeded my expectations, she’s an amazing therapist, and I never feel rushed, even if we go over time. She is genuinely interested in your well being and offers so much support.


How is a more holistic approach helping you? Sarah works on issues I want addressing and succeeds. I genuinely feel amazing after my treatment, and what she works on stays with me! I keep coming back because she’s a great Reiki therapist, and I’m looking forward to benefiting from other treatments she offers.

What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?   Don’t hesitate to book a treatment with Sarah! You won’t be disappointed. She’s warm and friendly and genuinely has your best interests at heart. Plus, Sarah is an amazing therapist!.

"'s powerful, yet gentle, and just works for me."


Secretary, 60-65 - Bowen

What did you need help with? I had ongoing muscular problems with my back and Bowen had helped in the past - it’s powerful, yet gentle, and it just works for me. It is also a moment of complete relaxation as a bonus.


Why did you choose Sarah? My Bowen therapist in Exeter recommended Sarah when we told her we were moving back to Suffolk. Sarah is gifted and has so much knowledge... It is always a pleasure to come and see her and I just wish I could do it more often and not only when I am in pain!

Did your treatment meet your expectations? I had already had Bowen and knew it was powerful, yet gentle, and it works for me. The treatment with Sarah met all my expectations - and more! 

How is a more holistic approach helping you? The fact that I know it is working for me and that I relax - it helps with my anxiety as well. With Sarah’s help I’m able to completely relax my muscles and mind during the session, allowing Bowen to work its “magic”. I always feel totally relaxed and as if I am walking on air when I come out of a session.


What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?   Unlike a session at the osteopath or chiropractor, Bowen is also relaxing and helps your body start the healing process. I usually find that one session is enough for me, sometimes two - this is how powerful it is. 

"You’ll find it so empowering to find treatments and therapies that work with you, providing solutions that give you vitality and movement."


Homeopath & Nutritional adviser, 57 - Bowen

What did you need help with?  I wanted some general maintenance along with some muscular release and body re-set. I hoped Bowen would be a good addition to other complementary therapies I use to support my health and wellbeing.


Why did you choose Sarah? I’d heard great things about Sarah from my clients, and felt she was professional. 


Did your treatment meet your expectations? My actual experience was a deeper and more thorough treatment than expected, which far exceeded my expectations. I felt like I’d been put back together again!

How is a more holistic approach helping you? I really feel Bowen is helping my general bodily maintenance.

What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?   You’ll find it so empowering to find treatments and therapies that work with you, providing solutions that give you vitality and movement..


Receptionist, 31 - Reflexology & Bowen

What did you need help with? With such a busy life I needed some relaxation and some relief from my aching feet!   So after speaking with Sarah we decided to try some Reflexology and Bowen Therapy.

Did your treatment meet your expectations? I’d never tried either therapy before, but absolutely loved both of them - they were honestly so relaxing and the Bowen was amazing!  I felt so good afterwards, really like I’d had a chance to switch off.

What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?  I’d say it’s so important to take time out for yourself - and try it as you won’t regret it!  Sarah is such a lovely lady and she makes you feel so relaxed…you’ll definitely go back for more!


Assistant Manager, 51 - Reflexology & Bowen

What did you need help with? I needed some support with my wellbeing and digestive support

Why did you choose me? You were recommended by other therapists as the person who could help! 

Did your treatment meet your expectations? I wasn’t expecting the Bowen to be as affective as it was, and the Reflexology exceeded all expectations. Overall my treatments left me feeling relaxed, calm and less stressed. I keep coming back for treatments as they help my physically and mentally.

What advice can you give to other women about a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing?  I think for some women complementary therapies are much better than medication.

©2021 Sarah Woodhouse

Hurry Up Harry Ltd. Trading as Sarah Woodhouse Therapy. Registered in England.  Company No: 08796136.  Registered Office: Eldo House, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR

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