Constipation, Diarrhoea and Back to School Nerves: Hand Reflexology Routine

Constipation and diarrhoea have lots of causes but one of the most common is as a physical response to stress, anxiety, depression and fear - and we’ve all felt at least one of these over the last 12 months and more!

If your poo routine’s out the window then you might find this hand reflexology routine useful for helping to calm and regulate your digestive system - along with  a balanced diet of plenty of fluids, fruit, veg and fibre.  As always it’s suitable for your kids too.  With the return to school around the corner I know many kids, from tots to teens, are feeling a little anxious about going back and this can have an impact on their bowels.


If you’re familiar with the reflexes you might find the video above should be enough - just remember to repeat head, diaphragm, digestive system and adrenals on the right hand too!  If you’re not, then refer to the sheet below and follow these instructions, starting with either the left or right hand:


Tummy troubles are not nice and feed the stress and anxiety we're already experiencing, so we start off by working on the head reflex.  Caterpillar walk (imagine your finger or thumb is moving like a caterpillar) up and down the head reflex on the thumb x 1.  Repeat on the other hand.


Calming and relaxing the diaphragm can have a knock on effect to the whole digestive system as well as making the whole body feel more relaxed.  Caterpillar walk along the diaphragm and back x 3. Repeat on the other hand.


I think this one is obvious!  Working this area means we cover the stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, intestines and colon.  As with the instructions for the head. Repeat on the other hand.


An extra bit of focus here because of the role the adrenal glands play in releasing stress hormones and the role of the kidney's in removing waste products as your food and fluid pass through your digestion system.  You should be able to locate the adrenal / kidney reflex by walking your thumb or finger up the fatty pad of your thumb, pressing gently as you go...very often it's very tender so go gently!  Once you've found it apply pressure (you can decide what feels right for you) for around 30 seconds - 1 minute. Repeat on the other hand.


This is another obvious one, and we are working to rebalance the colon to help return stools and bowel movements to 'normal'.  The only rule with this move is you MUST start on your RIGHT HAND so that you follow the natural flow of your bowels!  Caterpillar walk along the line shown in the diaphragm from your RIGHT hand to your LEFT hand x 3.  Repeat this move but this time just sweep along the line with your thumb or finger x 3.

PS: Sometimes, just sometimes, this routine can get things moving fairly quickly so, especially with young children who have less control over their bowels than us, please make sure you are near to a loo for at least 30 - 45 minutes after having done the routine!

Hand reflexology routine sheet for constipation, diarrhoea, back to school nerves

If you want some more support or advice about how you can use complementary and holistic therapies like Reflexology to help you with stress, anxiety and tension then contact me for a confidential chat, or you can text or call me on 07715213392.


Complementary and holistic therapies like Reflexology are never a replacement for conventional medical treatment or advice from your GP.  In the case of constipation if symptoms persist please contact your local pharmacist or GP for advice, and in the case of diarrhoea if symptoms persist more than 24 hours or become severe within those 24 hours contact your GP for advice.

©2021 Sarah Woodhouse

Hurry Up Harry Ltd. Trading as Sarah Woodhouse Therapy. Registered in England.  Company No: 08796136.  Registered Office: Eldo House, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR

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