Sarah Woodhouse Therapy


Reflexology, Bowen Therapy, Holistic Facials including lymphatic and sinus drainage
Loving Your Inner Critic: Finding Your Inner Mentor

This is Vera…or at least an approximation of her. Vera is my inner critic.  “Who” she often says with her fag hanging out of her mouth. “Who, would want a treatment with you? Who wants to be friends with you?  Everyone thinks you’re stupid.”


Believe it or not I love Vera, after all I know she’s only there because she thinks she needs to protect teenage me; she just hasn't realised I’m not a teenager anymore.  But, did you know you that as well as your inner critic you also have an inner mentor?  No?  Neither did I until I read Playing it Big by Tara Mohr.

Full of lots of thought provoking advice and guidance, Mohr helps you explore who your inner critic is and why she can be so nasty sometimes and gives you the chance to find and explore your inner mentor with her free Meet Your Inner Mentor guided visualisation.

Vera, fag in hand, still wags her finger at me on a fairly regular basis, lecturing me on the error of my ways.  But with every passing month she yields less and less power while Emma, my inner mentor, grows in strength.  Her presence and voice is there more often than not, and she's helping me to focus on where I want to be, rather than where I once was.  Emma also has much better dress sense.

So this month why not find your inner mentor?  Grab a pen and paper, and perhaps a box of tissues because it can be a bit emotional, and give it a go.  Who know's what you'll find?

For more tips sign up for my monthly newsletter here.

©2024 Sarah Woodhouse

Hurry Up Harry Ltd. Trading as Sarah Woodhouse Therapy. Registered in England.  Company No: 08796136.  Registered Office: Eldo House, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR

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