Sarah Woodhouse Therapy


Reflexology, Bowen Therapy, Thai Stretch Massage, Lymphatics, Vagus Nerve, Ear Seeding, and Holistic Facials
You can’t control everything

I found this quote on top of a box of teabags years ago when the kids were little. 

I just remember seeing it and smiling as it was just what I needed to hear at the time (not least because my hair has never responded to any form of control).

It’s now become a bit of a touchstone for me in those moments where life almost seems too much; too much to think about, too much to do, to much to sort out.  Because the truth is you can’t control everything, so why not just let some of those things go…or at least put them to the bottom of the pile?

You might find this is enough to help you see the wood for the trees, to focus a little more clearly on what you can control, to see where you can make a difference.

Much love, Sarah x

PS: If it resonates with you, you can download this as a free screensaver for your phone.

You can't control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that.

©2021 Sarah Woodhouse

Hurry Up Harry Ltd. Trading as Sarah Woodhouse Therapy. Registered in England.  Company No: 08796136.  Registered Office: Eldo House, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR

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